I don't bank here but I use to cash my checks here and was once mistaken for someone else and was given private information about their account during the confusion. Unfortunately, this made it where I wouldn't want to bank here.
However know some who bank here and they are very attentive to their needs.
consteance perry
2 years ago
Only gave them 5 stars so yall can see this! Today I went to the drive thru and this are the most rude ladies I have ever met in my life! 0 stars! Yall really need to go home and re-learn some manners.
Jadean Brooks
2 years ago
50 minutes in the drive through total time, I saw car after car go before me because the Elderly lady in front of me must have been doing something complicated. I changed lanes after I saw the 12 car go. Went to a lane I saw 4 move in before my turn. That's after about 25-30 mins waiting. Finally the old lady moves but I can't get back into that lane. But I figure I was better off in this lane because it was moving faster. So I waited another tens minutes and saw other cars being serviced again before the person in front of me. Talk about being upset is an understatement at this time. My Turn finally and still 3 more cars serviced before me. My order should have been simple and fast but turned into a night mare completely ruining my family plans for this Friday night. THANK YOU TDECU please hire some competent people that can subtract and add faster, None of this would have happen if they still had their TWO ATMs but since they got ride of the second one their 1st one was broke so I figure how long could getting 100 dollars in cash take. I will drive 20minutes out of my way to get service elsewhere.
Leanna Page
2 years ago
The lady I seen took forever to respond to me, I literally waited 17 minutes and I was the only car in the drive thru. When she finally acknowledged me she took my id, then refused to let me pull any money out of my account because I had overdrawn money a few years back. It was been taken care of years ago! Pissed me off, I argued with her and told her just a year ago I got a loan for my house and have Morgan payments so why the hell would she refuse me a lousy $50? Ugghhh. I will not be going back to the Brazoria branch. I will stick with my Lake Jackson bank, they at least know how to do their job correctly and have common sense.
edward garcia
2 years ago
These people are so unaware of the job that they’re doing that they literally deposited my check into someone else’s name. How this people are smart enough to do this I have no clue what so ever. THE WORSR BRANCH IVE EVER VISITED AND WILL NEVER VISIT AGAIN! HOW IN THE WORLD DO YOU NOT LOOK AT THE CHECK BEING DEPOSITED!
David Keebler
1 year ago
Mishandling my CC accounts which is affecting my checking accounts. Terrible online service cannot explain cause and cannot correct in a timely manner. About to lose a customer that's been with them since 1977.
destin clepper
1 year ago
Giving a 3 star only because for the most part their service is ok. But the level of service has dropped over the years for all branches. Only open 2 hours on a Saturday from 10AM-12PM instead of 8AM-12PM like before covid, making wait times 20 minutes or more because everyone is cramming to go to the bank during that time. And have cut there hours to 9-5 instead of it being 8AM-6:30PM like before covid. The number of bank tellers available is half of what they are able to have. They've cut down on how many bank tellers they have. And most bank Tellers I've encountered don't properly ask for ID.
Timothy Beane
1 year ago
With every other financial institution closing in person services, TDECU has been a blessing for us.
In comparison, I had to drive a 100 mile round trip for in person banking with capital one
2 years ago
consteance perry
2 years ago
Jadean Brooks
2 years ago
Leanna Page
2 years ago
edward garcia
2 years ago
David Keebler
1 year ago
destin clepper
1 year ago
Timothy Beane
1 year ago