Best Credit Union/Bank in Butler. They really know who you are as a member. Unlike larger chain Banks nearby these folks won't stick you with hidden fees or false promises. Their customer service has been consistently positive for the couple years that we've been members. They sincerely know who we are when we walk through the door or go through the drivethru and they are always helpful! We do business and personal banking with them! I highly recommend!
Jennifer Pierce
2 years ago
Wish this place wasn’t listed as an atm only. I drove 30 minutes to check it out. They don’t do live deposits after 5pm like the Chippewa location does.
2 years ago
Great place to do business. They help me out with whatever I may need. I got my car refinanced here with a great rate.
SW Studios
2 years ago
Jennifer Pierce
2 years ago
2 years ago
Jerry Z
2 years ago
Bethany Smolcic
2 years ago