The guy at the branch that claims he's the manager is extremely rude, he kept over talking me when I was trying to explain the issue. Told me I sign saying I agreed to overdraft fee protection which I did however every bank has the right to waive or show leniency for over draft fees that I deposited money into the account the same day to cover as I have several accounts. The guy didn't care about anything I was saying and flat out Said he's not helping me and not going to credit the fees back into the account because I signed saying I allow them. $72 dollars in over draft fees that were covered in less than 3 hours later when i got off work. He needs a reality check. I will be moving all 4 accounts and also my mortgage to another bank due to this guys high disregard for customer service
Amber Kaiser
2 years ago
I talked to Robert guy works in bank about my bank card he saved to me it not my problem and he was not being help full at all last time he told my boyfriend and I he doesn't want make customers unhappy I just need help my bank card and Susan called me and she was complIng I had 10 balance on card and keep treating me saying card got shut off and she told me it was coming yesterday and now I am not getting a new card cause of negative balance and if u work at bank you should treat customers with respect and she keep repeating over and over about balance I have no money or car so my boyfriend has to do she and Robert needs be reported what kind of bank are rude to customers do not tell me its not there problem then why work at bank I want my card terrible service from Robert and Susan terrible people them two I gave you two one star means poor service or don't work at bank if u can't handle jo. Or be helpful all u do stand and give out money
Mr Jman 47
2 years ago
I asked question. Bout making a purchase online guy works at the Doller bank is rude he yelled at my girlfriend on phone I spoke to him over phone he was not helpful he was composing bout her not listing when someone upset he has no right yell he needs learn to act his age I think his name john older guy I been with this bank for long time they need treat Slow people with respect I was not happy banks suppose be helpfully and do there job . And card service need pick up there phone not wait long time . Next time he argued I am reporting him . Not putting up with that . Terrible service
Eric Douzart
2 years ago
I'm actually surprised at the service of my local branch employees. They fixed a problem for me before i even had a chance to talk to an agent. I never expected anyone to be that helpful. Awesome crew at Point Plaza in Butler. Thank you.
Joshua S
2 years ago
App does not work reliably; this location’s ATM has not been working on multiple occasions I’ve attempted to use it.
Failed to update their phone system to reflect adjusted pandemic hours and operations to clearly reflect operations when last I checked.
There have been multiple instances where accessing my account online or via their app fails and is quite frustrating.
Jeremy Schrecengost
1 year ago
The guy at the branch that claims he's the manager is extremely rude, he kept over talking me when I was trying to explain the issue. Told me I sign saying I agreed to overdraft fee protection which I did however every bank has the right to waive or show leniency for over draft fees that I deposited money into the account the same day to cover as I have several accounts. The guy didn't care about anything I was saying and flat out Said he's not helping me and not going to credit the fees back into the account because I signed saying I allow them. $72 dollars in over draft fees that were covered in less than 3 hours later when i got off work. He needs a reality check. I will be moving all 4 accounts and also my mortgage to another bank due to this guys high disregard for customer service
Amber Kaiser
1 year ago
I talked to Robert guy works in bank about my bank card he saved to me it not my problem and he was not being help full at all last time he told my boyfriend and I he doesn't want make customers unhappy I just need help my bank card and Susan called me and she was complIng I had 10 balance on card and keep treating me saying card got shut off and she told me it was coming yesterday and now I am not getting a new card cause of negative balance and if u work at bank you should treat customers with respect and she keep repeating over and over about balance I have no money or car so my boyfriend has to do she and Robert needs be reported what kind of bank are rude to customers do not tell me its not there problem then why work at bank I want my card terrible service from Robert and Susan terrible people them two I gave you two one star means poor service or don't work at bank if u can't handle jo. Or be helpful all u do stand and give out money
Justin Valensky
1 year ago
I asked question. Bout making a purchase online guy works at the Doller bank is rude he yelled at my girlfriend on phone I spoke to him over phone he was not helpful he was composing bout her not listing when someone upset he has no right yell he needs learn to act his age I think his name john older guy I been with this bank for long time they need treat Slow people with respect I was not happy banks suppose be helpfully and do there job . And card service need pick up there phone not wait long time . Next time he argued I am reporting him . Not putting up with that . Terrible service
Jeremy Schrecengost
2 years ago
Amber Kaiser
2 years ago
Mr Jman 47
2 years ago
Eric Douzart
2 years ago
Joshua S
2 years ago
Jeremy Schrecengost
1 year ago
Amber Kaiser
1 year ago
Justin Valensky
1 year ago